HomeApp Portal
App Portal
App Portal

App Portal

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Product Description

App Portal - CodeCanyon Item for Sale


Username: admin@site.com

Password: admin123456

Demo site



  • Auto app submission
  • User reviews
  • PWA Support
  • AI Content Generator
  • Amazon S3 CDN Support
  • Built-in translation system
  • Responsive design
  • Easily search & import apps
  • Infinite Scroll
  • WebP Support
  • RTL Support (Frontend Only)
  • Optimized ad places for maximum revenue
  • Structured markup data (Schema.org)
  • Apps star ratings
  • Unlimited apps, categories, platforms and pages
  • Query cache
  • Sitemap

Server Requirements

  • PHP 8.0 or 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Please double check system requirements before buying and contact your hosting provider if an upgrade is needed.

2.1.0 Version Release

  • OpenAI Support
  • Amazon S3 Support
  • Wasabi S3 Support
  • Other Apps in the Category
  • RSS Category Support
  • Categories on Home Page
  • Bulk Delete Support
  • Versions on App Edit Pages
  • Error Pages Customization Support
  • Categories on Home Page
  • Custom Sitemaps
  • Top Bar
  • Package Name Field
  • Improved Localization System
  • Improved Slider Design
  • Bug Fixes

2.0.1 Version Release

  • Multi-Language Support
  • Multi-Category Support for Apps and News
  • Multi-Platform Support
  • Version Support
  • RTL Support
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Support
  • New Frontend Design
  • New Dashboard Design
  • Live Ajax Search Support
  • Apple App Store Auto Submission
  • Contact Form
  • App Voting Support
  • Report Submission Feature
  • News Comments
  • Favorites
  • Recently Updated Apps
  • Shortcode Support
  • Browse History
  • All Categories & Platforms Page
  • Redirection Countdown
  • Google reCAPTCHA Support
  • Navbar Customization Options
  • Meta Theme Color Support
  • New Ad Places
  • New SEO Features
  • Bug Fixes

1.5 Version Release

  • Laravel 8 and PHP 8 Support
  • Google Pagespeed Insights Optimization
  • SEO Optimizations
  • Lazy Load Support
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Improvement in Google Play App search

1.4 Version Release

  • Added: Custom App Slugs
  • Added: Custom Category Meta Description
  • Added: Custom App Meta Description
  • Added: Enable/Disable Cache System
  • Added: Schema.org Markup for Breadcrumbs
  • Added: File Upload Support
  • Added: Pinned Apps for Category and Platform Pages
  • Added: New Navbar Styles
  • Added: Recommended Terms for Search Box
  • Added: Client IP address detection for Cloudflare users (CF-Connecting-IP)
  • Added: Estimated Reading Time on News Pages
  • Added: Auto Comment Approval
  • Fixed: Bugs
  • Improved: Database Queries

1.3 Version Release

  • Added: Topics
  • Added: Tags
  • Added: New Text Editor
  • Added: Custom Permalinks
  • Added: Breadcrumbs
  • Added: Favicon Upload Support
  • Added: Ping Google When Sitemap Updates
  • Added: New Navbar Styles
  • Added: New Ad Place
  • Fixed: Bugs
  • Improved: Better Mobile Experience
  • Improved: Comment Button Visibility

1.2 Version Release

  • Added: Home Page Slider
  • Added: News Section
  • Added: New Apps Section
  • Added: Editor’s Choice Section
  • Added: Featured Apps Section
  • Added: Must-Have Apps Section
  • Added: Popular Apps In Last 24 Hours Section
  • Added: RSS Feed
  • Added: 10 Navbar Colors
  • Added: QR Code Link
  • Added: New Ad Places
  • Improved: Position of Download Button in the Mobile Version

1.1 Version Release

  • Added: Auto content submission
  • Added: Category settings for content manager
  • Added: Built-in translation system
  • Added: Screenshots
  • Added: User Reviews
  • Added: Other apps in the category
  • Added: Cookies notification bar
  • Added: App submission form
  • Added: Buy Now button
  • Added: Category and platform details in app listing pages in dashboard
  • Added: Version checker
  • Added: Show More/Less feature for long app details
  • Fixed: Alignment problem in share buttons
  • Fixed: Alignment problem in search box
  • Fixed: Line break problem in app descriptions
  • Fixed: Shell_exec error message problem

1.0.1 Version Release

  • Security improvement

1.0 Initial Release

  • Initial Release

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